About IHS
The IHS is being Developed followning a competitive Request for Proposal, through a Joint Venture between Arcori Inc., and Iserve Technology Consulting Services Ltd, o/a istcl, both now re-energized and re-purposed collectively as the new.
About HCI
The HCI Group was formed 4 years prior to the issuance of an RFP for the delivery of the Integrated Housing System having developed a well tuned mechanism for articulating and documnenting needs, requirements, expectations and outcomes, and how to deal with system-wide requirements along-side local community customizations. Functioning as a working steering committee providing oversight and accountability for the delivery of the IHS, HCI is composed of experts who volunteer to add to their work load and serve as regional or municipal representation from each of the following 8 paticipating member jurisidicitions, and clearly this group benefits from contributions of interested stake holders from the project peripheral who look to an opoportunity to themselves engage in this process, provide meaningful contributions and perspectives and finally, who may soon join in the HCI and acquire the final product of their colleagues hard work.