Made in Ontario, for Ontario, by Ontarians

Value Proposition

Why the IHS? Why Now?
  • Meeting the need for a flexible system that will serve both current & future needs
  • Based on Sound Business and Governance Model for Ontario
  • Support & align to Ontario’s legislated housing and homelessness programs
  • Relevance through Participation & Support of Service Managers & Senior Management
  • Supports vast unique and standard reporting needs of Municipalities and MMAH
IHS Components
  • Financial Module
    • Subsidy Estimation, AIRs and SMAIRs
    • SM Budgeting & Multi-year forecasting
    • Analytic Comparative in-Year and multi-year Reporting
    • On-line live reporting (MUD), Dashboard
  • Housing Provider Portfolio
    • Store "tombstone" or "core" project/building data
    • Program Administration
    • SM Flexibility
  • Centralized Wait List
    • Online access for Housing Applicants
    • 24/7/365 Availability
  • Rent Supplement Management
    • RGI Calculator
    • Mange agreements across multiple Programs
  • Generic System-wide Functionality
    • Standardized interface with intuitive flexibility & locally Customizable
    • Workflow management
    • Reporting - Standard, Ad-hoc & Templates
    • Navigation - Drill down, Hover, Searches
    • Notes & Document management
    • Email & Payment Interface
    • Data Security & Information Privacy Protection
  • Early Planning; Possible Future Functionality
    • Asset Management module
    • Investment in Affordable Housing (SM Requirements – not a duplication of AIMS)
    • Property Management
    • API’s & System Integration with homeless data and systems